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15 viet v present perfect a 15 viet v past simple

25. 9. 2018

Stiahni vo Worde tu , vytlač si a napíš do zošita. Neprepisuj priamo z obrazovky počítača, ničíš si tak oči!

Past Simple

I wrote five _____ yesterday.

Včera som napísal päť listov.

Present Perfect

I have _____ five letters today.

Dnes som napísal päť listov.

Past Simple

I did my _____ homework.

Urobil som si d.ú. z angličtiny.

Present Perfect

I _____ done my English homework.

Urobil som si d.ú. z angličtiny.

Past Simple

Jane saw this film _____ week.

Jana videla tento film minulý týždeň.

Present Perfect

_____ has seen this film recently.

Jana videla tento film nedávno.

Past Simple

Mum gave me some money for the school _____.

Mamička mi dala peniaze na školský výlet.

Present Perfect

Mum has given me some _____, so I can buy something.

Mamička mi dala peniaze, takže si môžem niečo kúpiť.

Past Simple

We took this photo in _____ of Buckingham Palace.

Túto fotku sme urobili pred Buckinghamským palácom.

Present Perfect

We have taken fifty photos _____ week.

Tento týždeň sme urobili päťdesiat fotiek.

Past Simple

I _____ in hospital when I was ill.

Bol som v nemocnici, keď som bol chorý.

Present Perfect

I have been in hospital several _____.

Bol som niekoľkokrát v nemocnici.

Past Simple

_____ did you do for your project?

Čo si si urobil na projekt?

Present Perfect

_____ have you done to my bag?

Čo si to urobil s mojou taškou?

Past Simple

Why did you _____ to our meeting?

Prečo ste prišli na našu schôdzku?

Present Perfect

Why have _____ come to our meeting?

Prečo ste prišli na našu schôdzku?

Past Simple

What did you see on your holiday in _____?

Čo ste videli na dovolenke v Grécku?

Present Perfect

What have _____ seen today?

Čo ste dnes videli?

Past Simple

Who took this _____ photo of me and my family?

Kto urobil túto strašnú fotku mňa a mojej rodiny?

Present Perfect

Who has _____ this beautiful photo of our pussycat?

Kto urobil túto krásnu fotku našej cicušky?

Past Simple

What _____ I do again?

Čo som zase spravil?

Present Perfect

What _____ I done again?

Čo som zase spravil?

Past Simple

_____ didn´t meet our Maths teacher, did you?

Nestretol si našu učiteľku matematiky, však?

Present Perfect

You haven´t met our Maths teacher, _____ you?

Nestretol si našu učiteľku matematiky, však?

Past Simple

I didn´t read your _____ about the school trip.

Nečítal som tvoj príbeh o školskom výlete.

Present Perfect

I haven´t read your _____ essay.

Nečítal som tvoj sloh z angličtiny.

Past Simple

Tom didn´t answer my _____.

Tom neodpovedal na moju otázku.

Present Perfect

Tom hasn´t _____ this question yet.

Tom ešte neodpovedal na túto otázku.

Past Simple

I didn´t _____ this film in the cinema.

Nevidel som ten film v kine.

Present Perfect

I haven´t _____ anything stupid like this picture of yours.

Nevidel som nič tak hlúpe ako tento tvoj obrázok.





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