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Otázky pre novú spolužiačku - príprava na písomku

8. 12. 2016

Rozhovor s novou spolužiačkou

Rozhovor s p. učiteľkou o novej spolužiačke

Rozhovor s p. učiteľkou o novom spolužiakovi

Who are you?

Who is this girl?

Who is this boy?

I´m your new classmate.

This is your new classmate.

This is your new classmate.

What´s your name?

What´s her name?

What´s his name?

My name´s Anna.

Her name´s Anna.

His name´s Martin.

How old are you?

How old is she?

How old is he?

I´m nine years old.

She´s nine years old.

He´s eight years old.

Where are you from?

Where is she from?

Where is he from?

I´m from Slovakia.

She´s from Slovakia.

He´s from Slovakia.

Are you good at English?

Is she good at English?

Is he good at English?

Yes, I´m good at English.

Yes, she is good at English.

Yes, he is very good at English.

Are you a good girl?

Is she a good girl?

Is he a good boy?

Yes, I am.

Yes, she is.

Yes, he is.

Have you got a brother or a sister?

Has she got a brother or a sister?

Has he got a brother or a sister?

Yes, I have got one sister.

Yes, she has got one sister.

Yes, he has got one sister.

Can you speak English?

Can she speak English?

Can he speak English?

Yes, I can.

Yes, she can.

Yes, he can.


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matej ivan,21. 12. 2017 18:06

pan učitel dobre ste to vymysleli


lucia repkova ,8. 12. 2016 18:12

toto je supeer :D
dobrý spôsob pan učiteľ :P